Friday, November 29, 2013


Hassan Ali Al Hammadi
LSC 2053 CEG
T: Frankie sutton

                                                            Out Sourced Reflection

In the beginning when Todd approach out of the airport he got as they call culture shock from what he saw in  the airport when he wanted to take taxi the taxi drivers were too rude unlike in his country also when they call him mister toad as per there pronunciation .then when he reach the hotel  that aunti Ji didn't give him a chance and she ask him many question that American would not ask him in the first interview and that rude way he is not  used to it and she told him at your age  you should be grand father and that is not a reason for American man to get marry , that is big difference between the American  cluture and the Indian culture ,the individualism that Todd he lives alone at his apartment even though his parent is living far about 2 hours only but he visits them rarely and this thing made puro not understanding why he would do that and simply Todd answer poru makes for him easy to have an 50 inch plasma tv when he live alone,and when he asked asha would she like to live in USA she told him I will miss my parents opposite than he's doing .The low power is  with the American culture ,Todd calling his boss Dave corporate slime ball and in another occasion he called him bastard opposite than the Indian employees they call him Mr.Todd . the social orientation and task orientation happens when Todd brought out an idea by asking them what would make them more positive and  the Indian employees answer we like to put our personal things in our table that would  help us to improve our job , then he told  them just do it and I'll ask my boss to put rewards program for MPI improvements  .The Indian people never use left hand for eating because it's for cleaning after finishing from toilet and when he enter the Bathroom was shocked because he didn't know how to use it .After that when he work in the Company he met asha then he learnt from her many things from Indian traditions then he Felt comfortable there but not till his boss came to India and told him we have to change the  company place to china because there labour cost is less 10 times than India.